One of the most distressing factors of being a parent are the times when all the attention is on you. Oh the joy of temper tantrums and those spotlight moments they bring us. Many of what our instincts say to us are almost always the wrong things to do in situations like these.
Being a parent can be an incredibly enlightening experience. We are all human and you should remember that you were once a child too.The human nature of children shines through with remarkable clarity once they have found their voice and a way to utilize it.
Being a parent means many things. Among them, one of the most important is knowing how to deal with negative behavior. It also helps you get through life with much less stress and anxiety. It will also improve the potential for your child achieving success in life and making you proud through out the younger years.
Here are seven quick tips to handling those situations when children lose control of themselves and let their emotions get the best of them.
1. Please Do not give in to the request. No matter what. Never bribe or cater to their demands. That will only encourage more misbehavior. The tantrum must not achieve the goals it is designed for. If they do, then you are a hostage. The temper tantrums will return and being a parent will become even more of a challenge.
2. Remain calm and do not lose your temper. Being a parent means having a whole lot of patience, self discipline and restraint. There is really nothing you can do at the time the temper tantrum is in full swing. If you could, then tantrums would not be so difficult to deal with in the first place.
3. If you are in public do your best to just ignore what you think public opinion might be. This is ultimately the leverage they have over you. The trouble is most parents are more than sympathetic and know exactly what you are going through. Some may even voice their support and understanding. Just know that if no one does that it is going to be okay. Even if some poor misguided soul tells you to just give them what they want, do not listen to them. Being a parent means doing the responsible thing and shirking the easy way out.
4.Do not try to reason with your tantrum throwing child. Do not allow the tantrum to allow any kind of attention power. Show that this is not the way to make any kind of plea. This is not the way people communicate. Your child will not listen anyway. The key is to try to avoid the tantrums and prevent them from happening again.
5. Find a safe place to let it play out. If you are in public you may have to leave. If you are at home have a place where they cannot hurt themselves or anyone else(or anything). Give them the time they need to get it all out of their system. Try to explain to them how much this bothers you. Let them know you love them but that you will not be a part of this kind of behavior. Then leave them but stay right outside of their room. As soon as the screaming yelling and crying stop, then(and only then) return.
6.The angry love big bear hug. If you need to restrain your tantrum throwing angry little child just gently get a hold of them and hug them tight enough to keep them from harming themselves. Most children do not respond well to being held down and will stop very soon after your hold has taken them. It is a reassuring feeling of comfort and love. This makes it very difficult for them to keep up the madness.
7. Being a Parent means you should offer them alternative methods to managing their anger. After the tantrum do not give them their desired result and explain why. This is where many parents make their mistake. Giving them what they wanted after they have calmed down is confusing. With one exception, it worked. They will ultimately carry home the message of it only took me a little longer but I got what I wanted.
When there are temper tantrums to deal with when being a parent it can make you feel like there is something wrong. Truly though, this is just not the case. Many children, alright most children at some point or another throw a temper tantrum. It is their beginning of learning how to handle emotions. Children are like little people with big wants.
The joys of being a parent can be giving them what they need and deciding which of those wants you can oblige.
Reduce your stress and overcome the parenting challenges while impressing those around you with just how well behaved your child will become. You can make your life and Being a Parent much easier for you and your child. In less than a month things begin to improve dramatically.
Everyone understands it is no easy job. Learn more today and find out the truth of how simple it can be. You can have a much easier time of Being A Parent through learning just how to discipline your child.
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